
2 min readJan 1, 2022

The past, like the future , is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilitiesStephen Hawking

This is a good quote to begin the year with since I do not know the true nature of our reality.

It is elusive to think that I have freewill. Nonetheless I am still responsible for the choices I make in how I spend my time. It is urgent that I regroup and get my act together if I want to do more writing. You need to possess an immense size of resolve to get out of all the trappings of modern living so as to focus on what you want and need to do for yourself. You can so easily let all the time slip by and hours are wasted. I have to be more mindful of all those thoughts that can be so affecting and distracting. I cannot get some things done quickly if I feel resentful.In that way, I lose a lot of time. Some things have to be done and it is simply pointless resisting. It is a matter of accepting the situation, get on and over with the tasks unless I have a magic wand and whizz them away. There are times when anger helps me to focus but mostly not. It is a matter of getting the right emotional balance to move on. I know it is best to not think and just do it. When that does not work, a cup of coffee definitely helps if it is not taken too late in the day. How I used to be able to have an espresso in the evening and still sleep well, it is no longer the case. A good night’s sleep is much needed to stay calm.

Today I could hardly get into any of my reads and that is not a good start since I so want to read more and write much more this year. Maybe it was the bubbly we had for brunch, glad to have picked up The Joke , Milan Kundera’s first novel from a stall at the weekend market. A young lady was selling her books. Another avid reader. I am happy to have picked up the novel. I like how the story begins , “So here I was ,home again after all those years.”

Maybe that is a good start after all.

Here is wishing everyone a joyful and prosperous new year!




A voracious reader and definitely ravenous when come to books. I have two book blogs : Coffee Chocolate or Tennis, Bookaholic Macchiato https://wordpress.com